Quality at the rendezvous
We rigorously select products that meet the highest standards to provide your patients with impressive and long-lasting results. And because we know that your budget matters, we offer competitive prices that allow you to invest in quality without compromise. With Cossur, offer the best to your patients while optimizing your costs.
Expert advice at your side
Thanks to our continuing education, you master the latest techniques in aesthetic medicine and stay at the forefront of innovation. And that's not all: our team of experts is available at any time to answer your questions and advise you. You will never be alone in your practice, because your success is also ours.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of products do you offer?
We offer a wide range of medical devices for medical-aesthetic purposes, including PDO tensor threads, rejuvenation serums, skin lifting and regeneration products, and much more.
Do the products comply with safety standards?
Yes, all our products comply with CE standards and meet the strictest quality requirements in the medical-aesthetic field.
Can I buy your products as an individual?
No, our products are exclusively reserved for healthcare professionals, particularly doctors specializing in aesthetic medicine.
Are the products suitable for all skin types?
Our products are designed to be suitable for different skin types, but it is always recommended to consult a professional to determine which products are best suited for each patient.